Given the absolutely ABYSMAL conditions at Tahoe thus far this season, I've resorted to skiing runs in my head (it's a good way to pass the time while working out, that's for sure) as well as daydreaming about destination ski trips and accompanying après-ski festivities. I've also become really fixated on the idea of lounging, in my base layers and under a gigantic Mexican blanket, by a wood stove. I've never owned, let alone used, one of these blankets, so I don't know where this part of the image came from, but I won't be too upset if it comes to pass.
Anyway, I'm starting to get genuinely worried... WHERE IS THE EFFING SNOW?! :(
"Blanket" |
Hello! My my, 2013 was definitely a eventful and turbulent year. There was a lot of that "out of my comfort zone" stuff going on, but ya know, I (like everyone else) emerged reasonably intact. And with a new affection for all things bird-patterned (in addition to my skis, I have a bird-themed shirt and skirt now)!
I'm still recovering from NYE, but I'm feeling good about 2014. Wonder what surprises/horrors (hopefully minor ones) it has in store...
"2014" |
P.S. Like the little birdies I drew?! Hehe, this tablet is awesome!!!